Are You a Victim?

published: 21 Apr 2009

3 min read | website:

When it comes to the interview process are you falling victim to some of the common traps?


Here are some common mistakes the team at EBR want you to be aware of;


  • Being too friendly
  • Not listening to questions carefully
  • Being poorly prepared
  • Saying "we" instead of referring to your own achievements
  • Making very general statements which lack substance
  • Being over enthusiastic
  • Slouching, mumbling, speaking slowly
  • Knowing nothing about the company to whom you are talking
  • Making derogatory remarks about your present or former employers 

Remember, not all positions you are applying for will be right for you. The purpose of the interview is to help you (as well as the company) sort out if the "fit" is right and remain positive.

Are You a Victim? | JavascriptJobs

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