Clean Your Slate for 2011

published: 13 Jan 2011

3 min read | website:

Written by Elena Cama
2010 wasn't the best year for you? Wanting to make a fresh start but don't know how? Clean your slate. Start anew. Boost your year with growth and innovation.

How can you do it?

  • Make that career change
  • Take that holiday you always dreamed of
  • Get fit, get healthy - start that detox program or join that gym
  • Do something daring
Too many of us make promises and resolutions which we never keep. Rather than continuously postponing your dreams until "tomorrow", take action today. 

Dissatisfied with the mundane, day-to-day ins and outs of your life? Do something daring for a change. Whether it be extreme sports, changing careers or finally buying that dream home, now is the time to take the challenge. If you've been thinking about making that career change, perhaps now is the time to do it. Think outside the square and do something that takes you outside of your comfort zone!

But most importantly, focus on the positives

Don't get bogged down by past mistakes. A new year is a chance to clean your slate and start afresh. In the words of Monty Python; "Always look on the bright side of life".

Clean Your Slate for 2011 | JavascriptJobs

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