Find your dream job when you don't know what you want

published: 25 Sep 2020

5 min read | website:

1) Think about past jobs:

 When it comes to finding your dream job, your past can give you the keys to your future. Thinking about what you enjoyed doing and what you hated doing can help you figure out the details of your dream job. Looking into the moments that have been really great and the moments that have been absolutely crappy gives you valuable insights into what you'll want in the future. If you've ever walked in on a Monday and thought about all the reasons the weeks are going to be bad, it's not because it's a Monday. It's because your job isn't a good fit. On the flip side, if you've enjoyed going into the office day in and day out, think about what the management and coworkers in your office did to make it an enjoyable experience


 Two critical questions to consider when it comes to your career are:

What do you love doing so much that you'd be willing to do it for free?

Think about it: If you love something so much that you'd do it without being paid, wouldn't getting paid for it be the definition of a dream job? Try to picture what that 'job you'd do for free' is and then start connecting it to paid possibilities in the same field. We all need to pay the bills and, hopefully, still have money left over for a comfortable life, you shouldn't necessarily choose the most prestigious job just so you can impress people at cocktail parties. Instead, for greater long-term happiness, choose a profession that will make you the happiest and allow you to grow and learn.

3) Realize That It's Not Enough to Dream:

It's important to know who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can effectively use those strengths and remove your weaknesses. A good approach to this is to be calm and positive, as well as objective. Determining what your dream job is based on your strengths, competencies and capabilities are all great first steps in realizing your career goals and dreams.

4) Effectively Sell Your Skills:

Companies operate in competitive environments, and because of that, it's necessary that those in pursuit of their dream careers need to make some personal and organizational sacrifices. Effective skill selling means you take your qualifications, experiences, skill sets, and competencies and use them to attract and retain prospective employers.

Find your dream job when you don't know what you want | JavascriptJobs

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