Finding your career path

published: 27 Sep 2020

5 min read | website:

Finding the way to walk in life can be hard, especially in terms of employment and choosing to work in a field that is most suited towards you. Especially in this day and age, where most office occupations are online, it can be hard to experience hands-on work to see what you like. But there is always a way around things, so EBR has gathered the top 4 tips in order to help you find your career path!

1.      Look at your strengths and weaknesses (in terms of grades) and determine a direction: To start off, it is important to seek out what you are good at, and what areas you lack in. Not only will this help you onto a path that is suited for you, but it can also tell you what aspects of yourself you can work on. For instance, if you do not perform well in an accounting course and didn't have a good time studying it, it doesn't mean you shouldn't go into that field - but raises some questions as to whether you would truly enjoy it or not. Thus, it is important to determine your value and competitive advantage.

2.      Look at the things you enjoy: Finding hobbies you enjoy, or finding a course that was enjoyable can be a starting point for your journey into finding your career. While hobbies shouldn't be a measure of what you would like to do as a job, it can give you a pretty rough idea of what you could routinely do every single day without too much struggle. If you really hate an activity, it would be better to stay clear of that field, because enjoyment and fulfilment is one of the most important things when working.

3.      Student handbooks from companies: Companies and universities will often provide handbooks for the careers that they offer. They should detail the job role, what kind of degree they're looking for and what you would do on a day-to-day basis. For instance, Deloitte's Student Pathway handbook will give you a rough idea of what kind of job role it offers. These can help you determine what kind of job or field is right for you.

4.      Attend events where you can meet people in different fields of work: Events such as Career Expos are usually available at Universities every semester or term. During these, you can talk to anyone whose industry you may be interested in, as there will be a diverse range of people you can ask. These events are usually strongly advertised on your university's social media pages such as their Facebook, or even their website.

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