Follow Up Your Resume With A Phone Call or Email

published: 19 Jun 2019

3 min read | website:

Be polite but persistent when following up with your resume. This encourages them to action or to reconsider it, and gives you another chance to sell yourself. This doesn't mean you ‘argue' with the judges decision. Feedback will help you understand whether the role was realistic for you and you may get a referral to someone else. Less than 5% of candidates seek real feedback from recruiters - a terrible waste of all the effort you have put in.

Here are some of our tips on how you can follow up on your resume through an email:

  • Send it after two weeks, don't send it any earlier. You want to give the employer enough time to read and respond to your application.
  • Use a clear subject line. In the subject line, include the title of the job you are applying for and your name. This will allow the employer to know exactly what the email is about right away.
  • Be courteous. Begin with a polite salutation and use the employer or hiring manager's name if you have it. Begin the email by thanking the employer for taking the time to look at and consider your resume.
  • Keep it brief so that the employer can quickly skim it and understand your purpose.
  • Ask any questions. If you have any questions related to the job or the application process, you can ask them at the end of the email.
  • Review and Edit. This email is another opportunity to make a good first impression on the employer. Make sure your email is professional and thoroughly edited.

Follow Up Your Resume With A Phone Call or Email | JavascriptJobs

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