Graduate Job-Hunting

published: 20 Apr 2010

3 min read | website:

So you have finished your university, TAFE or college studies and are probably thinking something along the lines of "Now what?" Graduate jobs can be some of the most competitive and difficult to score, no matter what the industry.


With graduate positions, it is often difficult to get your foot in the door due to the lack of experience in the field. Lots of qualifications are all good and well, but employers are often looking for experience; where you have used the theory you learnt from your study, in practice.

Julia Palmer, BConsulted's CEO, stresses the importance of networking. She says it increases your "visibility" and subsequently, your chances of being hired. CareerOne's editor states that you can start networking through professional and industry associations and memberships, as well as other industry events.


If you've hit the interview stage, make sure you research the company! It's not enough just to visit their homepage, you need to research things like the background of the company, what they actually do and what upcoming events they are hosting (if any). You need to be able to prove to the employer that you are specifically keen on their company, and not just seeking any old job.

Initiative and flexibility

Initiative is about thinking outside the box. Instead of the usual methods of job-hunting by using employment websites such as Seek and CareerOne, think about other ways you could find out about companies. Talk to you university, TAFE or college teachers to find out how they got to where they are now. Talk to other university students in the same class, or even talk to older students who have already graduated to find out how they kick-started their own careers.

If you're finding it difficult to get a job in your field, you need to weigh up your options. Think about why you should get a job over one of your peers. What makes your skill set unique? If you are at a loss as to how to answer this question, then perhaps it's time to consider further study. Volunteer work which centres on your field is also a great way of gaining practical experience which could help you get that future job.

Start networking today and you could end up with your dream job!

[Sources: CareerOne;] 

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