Great Skills to Show Off in Your University Application

published: 09 Feb 2021

5 min read | website:

When applying to a university, you need to show off your best achievements and make it clear to admissions officers why you should be studying a particular course. Along with your previous academic achievements from school and college, university admissions tutors also want to see you demonstrate a wide range of soft skills that will not only be beneficial to you as a student but also in your future career.

Time and Organizational Skills

As a student, how you organize your time says a lot about you. Your organizational and time management skills are important as it will show your admission tutors that you will be able to cope with the demands of juggling your university studies with other commitments. The best way to show them that you are organized and methodical is to start in good time and get your application in early. Doing so means that you have a head start on other applicants and it will give you plenty of time to get your application completed.

Communication Skills

Being able to communicate effectively and having active listening skills is all part of the university experience. The chances are that no matter what degree you plan to study, you are going to need to effectively communicate with your peers in class and when working on group projects, and you're going to need to use these communication skills to get your point across when writing essays and assignments. Provide examples of when you have effectively communicated in the past and what the outcome was.

Research Skills

Whatever the degree course that you wish to study, research skills will always be needed. You will need to undertake research for exams, essays, studies, assignments, and everything else that you will be doing as a student and be able to back your research up and reference it. One of the easiest ways to show off strong research skill is to make it clear that you have done a lot of research on the university itself, what they offer and the type of student that they want.

Team player

Don't forget to mention in your personal statement the time where you have been a good team player in some extracurricular activities that you have done, like volunteering or playing a team sport, that has helped to develop your teamwork skills or mention past projects you have worked on as part of a team in school or college. Many university degree courses require you to be able to work as a part of a team for projects and assignments.

Strong Attention to Detail

Universities are looking for prospective students who are observant and pays attention to detail well. Make sure to read the entry requirements and any other requirements for applying before you send off your application; applying for a degree where you don't fit the entry requirements is only going to show admissions staff that you didn't bother to read about the course. All of this information is readily available online, so do your research in advance.

Great Skills to Show Off in Your University Application | JavascriptJobs

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