How Can Having a Mentor Change Your Life

published: 17 Feb 2021

5 min read | website:

A mentor could be someone who gives you occasional useful tips or support, knowledge, and encouragement. They should be someone who has more life experience than you; someone you aspire to be like or who you think shares your morals and values. If you can find the right mentor, you will find yourself receiving an invaluable informal education.

Networking opportunities.

Mentors have built up their own professional network which can help your career progression thanks to years of hard work. So, find a mentor who you aspire to be like, within your chosen profession to help you. In cases where your mentor does not have an answer to a question or problem, then someone they know will. They can introduce you to like-minded people and some of these could be valuable connections throughout your career. Make sure you appreciate any information or connections they give you - but do not rely solely on them for your next career break.

Personal Development.

It is said that you are the sum total of the five people you hang out with the most, so it's worth thinking about. One great way to continue your own personal development is to build a network of influential people who you can call on and add value to your experiences. Talk through things with people more experienced than yourself as it will help you learn and grow quicker.

Focus and Accountability.

It's too hard to focus these days so having someone to help you stay on track and focus your attention on the important things will help you maintain your personal growth. Tell your mentor that you're going to achieve something and set yourself a goal. This way, you have someone to hold you accountable to these goals and you're more likely to take action and will therefore see results quicker.

Feedback and Perspective.

Although asking friends and co-workers for help when you're struggling can be helpful, a mentor is still more likely to give you an entirely different perspective from anyone who knows you personally. They will help you weigh things and help with your decision making, be it about an idea for your business or a product. They can help you plan and organize how to put them into action and make them a reality. They can offer impartial advice from a professional point of view, which may help you see opportunities and challenges from a more constructive perspective.

Problem Solving.

A mentor can give you helpful advice to navigate any problem you have at work in a professional way. Their experience and insight can stop you making mistakes and can give you the answers rather than you having to waste valuable time and money working out the right way to handle the situation.

How Can Having a Mentor Change Your Life | JavascriptJobs

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