How to Ace a Group Interview

published: 30 Jan 2020

3 min read | website:

Group interviews are becoming increasingly used by companies to make the interviewing process more efficiently, it also allows them to see first-hand whether you have good networking and socialising skills. So, it is important to understand how to stand out from the rest of the candidate before, during and after the interview in order to secure a position. Here are some tips on how to do so.

Make friends

Don't be awkward or mute when you see the other candidates in the room, it may be a competition, but it can still be friendly. So instead of being silent or ignoring the other candidates before the interview, you should try to introduce yourself to the others. By doing this, you will help reduce any possible, nervous tension between you and the other candidates. Additionally, if the interviewers are already there, then it is a great chance to show them that you are friendly, sociable and can networking well. 

Bring everyone into the conversation

One advantage of group interviews is that the interviewers will not only get to hear about whether you are a good team player, they will see it too. So, during group interviews, always try to bring in other candidates into the conversation to highlight your ability to lead a conversation and work with other opinions. This can be done by referencing a conversation you had with another candidate before the interview started, or by building up on someone else's answer by giving another perspective.

Be respectful

While it is imperative to try to stand out from the other candidates, there is still a fine line between standing out because of genuine merits and personality and standing out because of an obnoxious and overbearing attitude. Always give other candidates chances to speak, and when appropriate, encourage them to speak to show interviewers that you value other people's opinions. Also, if there are more than one interviewer in the room, ensure that you are making eye contact and addressing all of them, even if they may have not asked you a question. By being respectful and attentive, you again demonstrate to interviewers that you are a good natured, likable colleague, which helps improve their opinion of you.  

Be confident

Confidence may come less easily for some than others, and it can be especially challenging in a group interview for someone to fake confidence in front of so many other people. However, it is necessary to be confident, because it adds a sense of credibility to your words. To help, you can choose to speak in a specific time that you feel the most confident in, such as for a question that asks you about a new technology that you are already familiar with. You do not have to speak constantly to be noticed, just speak at times where you know you have some great value to give to the conversation. Moreover, try to not apologise for interrupting when you speak up, or speak in a small voice, or allow your voice to trail off. These finer details tend to highlight your nervousness and lack of confidence.

How to Ace a Group Interview | JavascriptJobs

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