How to Attract More Recruiters on LinkedIn

published: 06 Jan 2021

5 min read | website:

Given that LinkedIn is the go-to talent pool for many - and given that this doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon - it is important to reevaluate how you are presenting yourself on this professional networking website. LinkedIn is an advantageous tool for those on the job-hunt, but only when used effectively. What should you feature on your LinkedIn profile - and what's best left off? How can you optimize your page? Here are some tips on how to make your LinkedIn profile more attractive to recruiters.

1. Make Your Name Searchable

Include a nickname or maiden name that you use in parentheses next to your professional name to make it searchable for recruiters.

2. Broaden Your Location

If you list your location as a small suburban town, recruiters may assume you are not willing to make the long commute into the city. Err on the side of a broader location rather than a specific one and align yourself with the largest city you would be willing to commute to.

3. Create a Professional Headline

This section normally auto fills but try changing it to ensure keywords related to the jobs you are pursuing are included. Your professional headline should effectively showcase the work you currently do and the career you want. Make every word count in no more than two lines of text.

4. Highlight Your ‘Awesome Factor' in the Experience Section

Emphasize your experience by showing off your 'awesome factor.' Compare yourself to the average hypothetical coworker who has the same responsibilities as you at work. If they could list the same distinguishing factors in their experience section that you have listed, then you are not showing your 'awesome factor.' Quantify your successes in a way that makes them stand apart from your basic job description with percentages and numbers. Originality is key in this section, so make sure to avoid the most overused buzzwords on LinkedIn.

5. Arrange Your Top 10 Skills Strategically

Rearrange your top skills to present what you want to be best known for. If you need help determining what skills to showcase, you can search some of the hottest skills that will most likely get people hired.

6. Request Recommendations

Ask managers, coworkers, or past professors for authentic recommendations. Seek out endorsements from reputable sources who can verify your talents. It's these special anecdotes that will set you apart from your competition.

How to Attract More Recruiters on LinkedIn | JavascriptJobs

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