How to be a valuable employee at work

published: 12 Aug 2019

3 min read | website:

Every manager expects their employees to work hard and do their jobs, but with just a little nudge you can stand out. Here are 5 great tips to get you started

• Communication: more is more

Whether you're new to your role or you've been doing this job for years, the moreyou communicate the better off you will be. Questions help you know exactly what isexpected of you and make sure you don't have to rework anything. At the same time,it will help your boss see that you are engaged with your work and help clarify anything for the rest of your team

• Together you are better

As new ideas come up, try to give some feedback from your perspective, even if they were on the job recently, your boss will value additional feedback. This will help you to shape the work you do. Next time the boss has an idea, add some constructive input and see how they take it. Start slow, just add something that is possibly just an extension of their thought, if they seem to like it, start to work more in

• Customers are key

Whether your customers are internal employees or clients, they are who you really work for. If your customers are happy, your boss will be too. Tell your boss about recent conversations with customers and ways you think your company could improve service

• Be Engaged

If you don't love what you're doing today, the best way to get the job you want is todo the best you can at the one you have. By being enthusiastic and taking an interest in improving your company, you will be far ahead of your peers.

How to be a valuable employee at work | JavascriptJobs

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