published: 31 Dec 2020
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Wouldn't it be helpful if you could boost confidence in your skills and abilities in the workplace? Confident people tend to work more happily and are unafraid to go for promotion or take on new challenges. Here are ten tips you can use at work to boost confidence in yourself.
Quit the negative self-talks.
No one ever got better at anything by beating themselves up. Make it a habit to talk to yourself kindly, and encouragingly, rather than ragging on yourself for making mistakes. A positive mindset will help you learn more easily and will boost your confidence.
Build on your strengths.
A good way to boost confidence is to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Accept what you already do well and exert an effort to refine your better qualities. It's a great confidence boost to do something excellently rather than adequately.
Learn new skills.
There is always room for improvement. Learning new skills will not only enhance proficiency at your job but will also boost confidence. Watch what other people do successfully, and copy how they do it. Pick useful skills such as time management, customer service, and productivity, or learn something new that will help specifically with your job.
Ask questions.
Never be afraid to ask questions when you don't know something. Doing a task incorrectly because you don't fully understand it is not a good way to boost confidence. If you're ever unsure of how something should be done, ask someone else what you need to do.
Eliminate negative language.
Don't go walking around all day saying 'I can't…' as you'll find that you are closing your mind to solutions. Instead ask yourself, 'How could I…?'. Stop saying 'but' for a while and notice how you can get more done if you make an effort, rather than making excuses.
Fake it until you make it.
When approaching a new task or a fresh challenge, it is normal to feel under-confident. But if you put on a positive frame of mind and act confidently, you'll be surprised how far that will take you. Not only will other people trust in your abilities, but you'll start to realize that you are a capable person with many skills to offer.
Have fun.
There's nothing worse for your self-esteem than taking yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at your setbacks and mistakes and take criticism with good humor - you'll be amazed how being more light-hearted boosts your confidence and helps you improve yourself.

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