How to Create Work Group Cohesion

published: 20 Jan 2020

3 min read | website:

Group cohesion is critical in helping a business operate smoothly and seamlessly. However, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start in building such team. If you are struggling to understand how to build team cohesion, then read on for some ideas on where to start.

What is a cohesive team?

A cohesive team is one where all team members can work productively together to achieve a common goal. Thus, it is often crucial for businesses to be able to build cohesive teams in order to work effectively and efficiently to carry out strategies and reach business goals. 

How to build a cohesive team?


Diversity in background, personalities or expertise often generate many different ideas that can be homogenised into an optimal, effective plan.

Take advantage of individual strengths

Building on from the idea of bringing in diversity, giving team members tasks that effectively utilise their individual strengths and avoid their personal weaknesses will help optimise results. For example, give individuals who are more people-oriented roles that help facilitate communication.

Similar attitudes or values

Conversely, having similar attitudes or values helps build team cohesion more than having diversity in values or beliefs. In general, employees put in more effort into work that aligns with their values, opinions or attitudes because they would feel a sense of validation.


While an abundance of time may not always be available for a group task, it is always advisable to be able to give team members time to get to know each other because this helps build a sense of understanding and familiarity between team members. That way, they can feel more comfortable to freely communicate with each other.  


The importance of communication cannot be underestimated in a group task, particularly if the team has different tasks and strengths. Establishing a primary medium of communication for all members prior to the commencement of the task will help ensure that communication flows freely so that misunderstandings will not occur.

Give feedback

A successful team would constantly give and monitor feedback from each other and from outside sources. This feedback can be judging the work itself, or the teamwork, or the individual team member and their contribution to the team. Being able to give and receive constructive feedback continually will help improve overall performance and team cohesion. 

Reward accomplishments

Finally, rewarding or acknowledging achievements or progress of the overall team or of other individual team members helps motivate the team.

How to Create Work Group Cohesion | JavascriptJobs

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