How To Deal With Criticism

published: 28 Jun 2011

3 min read | website:

We are often subject to criticism that may come from a parent, boss, family member or friend. I am a firm believer that all people have good intentions and that criticism is just helpful feedback. Sometimes it may not have been communicated to my liking so here are my top 4 ways of dealing with criticism.  

1. Evaluate it
Many people take criticism differently, some people take on the criticism and use it to improve themselves whereas others can take it as some sort of attack on their competence & ability. The first thing you must ask yourself, is whether you want this helpful criticism. Do you think its important that you hear about what you can improve, or would you rather it be swept under the rug and kept hidden? Ask yourself this question & once you know the answer, take action.

2. Thank them
If you hear criticism from others that you do not wish to hear, it is important to Thank them, and internally evaluate it. Internally process the criticism and think of how it will benefit you in the long run. If its helpful criticism, then take it on, if not, then ignore. Confrontation is never the solution and should be avoided at all costs.

3. Take action
There is no point asking people for their opinion if your not going to use it. Be sure to take on the criticism and put it too good use.  

4. Walk it off
If its hard to hear, ask if you can take a small break and come back. "Walking it off" allows you to vent your frustrations and avoids a confrontation. It is important to keep calm & collected no matter what the situation entails & by doing so you avoid unnecessary commotion and confrontation.  

How To Deal With Criticism | JavascriptJobs

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