How to Do Job Hunting in The Middle of a Pandemic

published: 05 Mar 2021

5 min read | website:

The pandemic still has many countries in its grip, the global economy is in a downward trend, and unemployment is at an all-time high. On the brighter side, many companies are still actively recruiting strong talent with problem-solving skills. This also means a whole new world for job hunters. During these unprecedented times, there are no easy way or shortcuts, but there are ways to intelligently adapt to the uncertainty. Follow these tips for conducting a job search during a pandemic to gain confidence and tenacity for moving your career forward.

Keep Going and Practice Video Interviews

Online interviews can be downright torturous for jobseekers especially after several online interviews with zero results. For some, it usually takes a few days to recover from the emotional fallout which is why they tend to skimp on opportunities that seemed far-fetched. However, remember that even if you feel like interviews are pointless and won't get you anywhere in the midst of the pandemic, participate in as many as possible to gain valuable experience and hone your conversational skills. We never know when an interview will lead to a job offer!

Strengthen Your Skills

Now is a perfect time to acquire new skills to add in your resume which can give you an edge among others. There are tons of online courses where you can get new certifications. In response to the pandemic, there are many online organizations that have made many of their courses and other resources available for free. Take advantage of those.

Expand Your Network

Talk to people. Reach out to friends, mentors, old colleagues, and recruiters. See if they know anyone who is hiring. Because events will be cancelled for a while, you will probably need to tweak your networking strategy. Seek out virtual events, look for professional groups to join on Facebook and LinkedIn pertinent to your field. Take part in conversations by posting and commenting. However, make sure to maintain your professionalism with each post and show your expertise and value.

Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Your resume and LinkedIn profile must be updated and should highlight your accomplishments using quantifiable data. Showcase your problem-solving skills, resiliency, and agility as these are currently in high demand. Lean into using your resume and LinkedIn profile to communicate your story and value.

Be Patient and Show Empathy

Due to the pandemic, most people are feeling anxious and this is a difficult time for everyone. Companies are experiencing many new challenges as they adapt to new ways of conducting business. Because of this, you can expect the hiring process to take longer. Be respectful of that by asking hiring managers and recruiters how they are feeling and if their family and friends are safe. Carry this empathy over into thank-you and follow-up notes.

How to Do Job Hunting in The Middle of a Pandemic | JavascriptJobs

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