published: 27 Nov 2020
5 min read | website:
Finding a job is one thing, can either be extremely easy or difficult depending on one person's resources and experiences, but landing a job that best fits you is a whole another story. Not everyone can easily get a job that really matches their skills and passion, some even go through an endless trial and error process in search for that best work opportunity.
Although there is no absolute way to figure out if a job is a right fit for you, the answer is not as hard as you might think - it is self-assessment. Truly knowing yourself and what you can bring to the table as a job candidate will save you a lot of time and effort.
Here are three simple things to do before finding a job that will best suit you.
1. Sit down and understand your natural strengths.
Before anything else, it is very crucial to know and understand what skills you naturally have before looking at potential jobs. Although there are skills that you can learn by training, knowing where and what you are naturally good at will definitely save you a lot of time and will definitely generate more productive and efficient results at a particular job.
Take some time to list down and analyze what you are good at. Are you great at leading a team or managing projects? Do you like working with people?
Once you figure out what your natural strengths are, you should be able to leverage and take advantage of them so you can use them better in your job search.
2. List down your skills.
Once you have identified your natural strengths, the next step is to inventory the hard skill sets that you already have.
What are Hard Skills?
These are the job-specific skills that are necessary for you to do a job. Email marketing, project management, database management and customer service are some examples of these skills.
Look at your previous jobs and find out which skills you have gained from it and figure out which skills you are most efficient at and like using the most so you can focus on searching jobs that will let you use those skills more often.
3. Create a company bucket list.
Once you have figured out your natural strengths and what hard skills set you have, it is time to pick some companies that you admire. Doing so would help lessen the number of ill-fitting opportunities that you will run into on your job search.
This bucket list will provide you a list of companies that you may target and will help you identify key opportunities that you might pursue. It is also a good way to help you further understand a company's values, beliefs, culture, and goals. You can then use this list when you go looking for job opportunities.
Remember that it is crucial to understand these key concepts whether you are looking for a new job or just thinking about changing jobs.

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