How to Maintain a Healthy, Friendly Work Place Environment

published: 28 Feb 2020

3 min read | website:

Every worker is a valuable asset to a company, so you want to always ensure that your workplace is an inviting and friendly environment for them to want to work in it. It has been proven that a warm, healthy work environment encourages more communication, higher levels of productivity and lower turnover rates, which in turn leads to a more sustainable and profitable business. So if you're wondering how you can possibly create the most welcoming workplace for your workers, then read on.

Cleanliness is key

A clean workplace helps workers feel more comfortable and allow them to take their work more seriously, which improves productivity. A cluttered and unkempt workplace will communicate to your workers that you are disorganised and do not take your work seriously, which is a message that will be reflected in their own poorer quality of work. To keep your workplace clean, invest in a cleaner if possible, buy some good quality, comfortable office furniture, and invest in good lighting and ventilation. These elements will make the workplace feel more comfortable and pleasant for your workers.

Reward your staff

Another great tip to keep in mind is to reward your staff whenever they show progress or accomplish a task. Rewarding staff encourages and further incentivises them to continue working diligently. Rewards can come in multiple forms, they can be something grand such as a pay increase or a perk, or they can be something as simple and straightforward as a 'thank you.' By setting an example, there is a likelihood that your own staff will follow and also reward their colleagues, which helps create a healthier work environment.

Encourage communication

We all know that communication is one of the best tools to improving your business. It can help generate new ideas and opinions which will optimise your team's performance. However, communication is also essential to improving relationships between staff members in general. The more you inspire your staff to communicate with each other, the friendlier and more amicable the overall work environment is going to be. You can encourage workplace communication in many ways. One of the most common and effective way is to create an open work space. So instead of having the traditional, closed off cubicles that makes it difficult for workers to see each other, plan out your office space so that workers can move around more freely and can see each other more clearly. This may mean having tables face each other and having plenty of space in between tables for workers to move around and socialise. Another way to evoke effective communication is to have group activities on a regular basis so that staff members have a chance to intermingle. These group activities does not always have to be work related, it just needs to involve interactions between staff members.

How to Maintain a Healthy, Friendly Work Place Environment | JavascriptJobs

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