How to Prepare for a Job Interview

published: 04 Jan 2021

5 min read | website:

There are certain things you will want to do in advance to prepare before going to an interview. You rarely get a second chance to make a first impression, so you'll want to do your best in preparing for your interview beforehand.

Pick the right outfit.

What you wear in your interview is an absolutely crucial part of how to prepare for a job interview. After you choose your outfit, make sure it is cleaned and pressed and you have the appropriate accessories and shoes to go with it. Try the outfit on ahead of time to make sure everything fits, and you look great. Then put your outfit aside for the day of your interview and have it ready to go.

Research the company and the job position you are applying for.

Start by reading the company's website and then review its most recent press coverage. You'll get a sense of the company's priorities, which you can then tie in with your skill set during the interview. It gives you an opportunity to demonstrate to your interviewer that you took initiative, but you'll get a better idea if the company is the right fit for you. Study the job description and match it against your credentials so you know what to emphasize in the interview. Have concrete examples to back it up.

Rehearse your answers to the most common interview questions.

Do your research and find out some of the most common things you'll get asked. You'll want to have your answers ready and practice them. You should always be able to answer, 'Tell me about yourself' and 'Why do you think you would be great for this job?'. Don't completely memorize your answers so they come out rehearsed, but have a clear idea of what you are going to say. When you are asked, you want your answer to come out intelligently and naturally.

Come up with questions to ask at the end of the interview

Prepare two or three insightful questions before the interview to learn more about the job and to make sure the company is a good fit. Avoid asking questions that pertain to topics like benefits or vacation days because you'll come across as presumptuous. Instead, ask overarching questions related to the company and the position, such as upcoming strategic initiatives, new product launches and competitive positioning. Your questions should be genuine and relevant.

Be on time and wear your best smile.

Allow enough time to get there and anticipate traffic. It's ok to be up to 10 minutes early, but no more than that. Bring the phone number of your interviewer just in case you get lost or are going to be late. If you are going to be late, call to let the interviewer know. Remember to always greet your interview with a friendly smile and firm handshake. If you do this right, you will set off the right energy and the chances of the interview going well will increase. 

How to Prepare for a Job Interview | JavascriptJobs

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