How to Prepare for a Video Interview

published: 30 Mar 2020

3 min read | website:

Video interviews are becoming increasingly popular in recruitment processes due to their convenience. For the most part, you are partaking in a traditional interview, just at the comfort of your own home. However, it is still essential for you to know what you should or should not do in a video interview to ensure the greatest chance of success. Below are five tips on how you can ace your next video interview.

Ensure that all of the technicalities are in check

The importance of ensuring your technology won't fail on you during your interview is paramount. Check your internet connection and make sure that it is stable, also test out the camera quality of your laptop, try to make it as clear and high quality as possible. Finally, check your laptop's audio and ensure that it can record your voice properly.

Dress professionally

This is not a phone interview, as your recruiter will still be able to see what you are wearing. Dress formally, or as formally as the interviewer had said you can dress. Even if the dress code is casual, avoid clothing that are too informal, such as your pyjamas or a robe. If you are unsure what the dress code is, then try to overdress. It is always better to overdress than underdress.

Have your pen and notepad ready

Having your pen and notepad ready before the interview means that you are prepared to take down any important notes that pop up during the interview or questions that you suddenly came up with. These notes will be very helpful for you to remember all of the information given to you by the recruiter and they will also come in handy at the end of the interview if you want to ask questions.

Work on your voice projection

It is a good idea to test out your voice and how you speak prior to the interview. Try recording yourself giving interview answers and watch over your performance. Was the volume of your voice appropriate? What was the pacing of your voice? Did you stumble too many times? Once you know where your flaws are, improving on them will become a lot easier.

Use the right body and face language

While recruiters may not see your shaking hands or tapping feet, they will still observe your facial expressions and your upper body language. So try to practice facial expressions in the mirror or record yourself giving answers. Do you smile enough? Do you try to make eye contact whenever appropriate? Are your arms open and welcoming or crossed? Observe the way you use your face and body to communicate with the recruiter and work on them. During the interview, also remember to show attentive listening by leaning forward slightly, nodding and using hand gestures when needed.

How to Prepare for a Video Interview | JavascriptJobs

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