In the Mindset of a Software Developer

published: 09 Sep 2019

3 min read | website:

1. Practice makes perfect

A passion for problem-solving is critical to a successful career in software development. You could start by practising coding simple programs. Pick problems to solve and use your chosen language (Java, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, Python or Scala) to figure them out. There are lots of tutorials online to get you started.

Attend meet-ups if you want to pursue a career. It will give you an understanding of different topics, and is a great opportunity to speak to experienced people that can help determine where to best apply your skills.

2. Learn the language

At the very beginning of your career you should try out and learn about as many different languages as they can, as having a niche skillset can limit future career prospects.

The type of language depends on your field of interest. If you were looking at web development, you might look at perhaps a .NET language or PHP; if it's native mobile, it would be Android or Swift; object-oriented programming, it could be anything from Java, Python, Ruby to C++ etc

In terms of career prospects, having an understanding of a mixture of some of the above would put you in a very strong position

3. Make it work, make it correct, make it fast

As with every job, there's a learning curve. As you progress, you will improve your skills. Start with simple solutions, adding the edge cases after you prove the simpler solution works. Once you have confirmed the results of the input are correct; measure your performance and take action accordingly.

4. Focus on the user's needs

The purpose of developing a software is to make people's job easier and to allow people to do more

When designing software, tackle complexity by distillation and tackle simplicity by thinking holistically. Focus on the needs of your users who will be constantly engaged with your software

5. Upskilling, self learning and personal development are major parts of your career

When it comes to software development, upskilling, self-learning and personal development are major parts of your career. 

Go out and start building your knowledge of software. Take what you have learned, apply it and watch your results grow. The ability to work independently and then implement it in a real project is the best way to improve and display your skills. 

6. Become an adaptable problem-solver

The role of a software developer is not just to write codes, but to find answers to problems. Understanding different technologies and techniques, and knowing its different purposes for different situations will make you a better developer. More importantly, this application of skills and knowledge will make you a better developer, add value to your team and build your confidence in decision making. Remember, just because your favourite technology can fix a problem, it doesn't mean that it is the right one to use

In the Mindset of a Software Developer | JavascriptJobs

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