IT Tips: Protect your privacy!

published: 27 Jan 2011

3 min read | website:

Written by Elena Cama
Accessible at the touch of a button. 
Providing you with all the latest business, financial and political news. 
Virtually connecting you to the world.

These are some of the positive aspects of new and developing forms of technology. But as we are becoming increasingly aware, the internet has its fair share of pitfalls. Various conerns are cropping up, some of which concern the disjuncture between social networking and privacy. How much information are we really sharing? Is there really such a thing as "privacy"?

Despite all the antivirus programs and firewalls claiming to protect your privacy, the reality of the situation is that as we develop new forms of protection, we inadvertently develop new ways of breaking through such protection.

So how can you protect your privacy?
  • Be cautious about what you post on the Internet, especially social networking websites. It's important to note that future employers could use such websites to look through your weekend party pics!
  • Monitor your online accounts particularly bank accounts.
  • Install anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software.
  • Password protect your wireless network.
  • Common sense activities such as wiping your browser history, using a paper shredder, creating obscure passwords, ensure you are accessing trustworthy websites and being cautious about which websites you give your credit card details onto. 
And just remember: When it has been published online, it stays online. You may have clicked that "delete" button but server backups and public records ensure that information stays in the cyberworld.

[Sources: Yahoo Finance]

IT Tips: Protect your privacy! | JavascriptJobs

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