Job Searching during COVID 19 Outbreak? Here are the top 5 tips

published: 24 Apr 2020

3 min read | website:

Job-hunting can be daunting and stressful for some people, especially at the time where COVID-19 concern has shifted the balance of the job market. However, be positive and don't lose hope! Before you know it, everything will be back to normal. Here are a few tips for job searching during the pandemic:

1.Be patient and understand the circumstance

At this time, being patient and positive are keys. Acknowledge that this is a challenging time and don't put too much pressure on yourself. The good news is, some industries are still hiring. Therefore, continually apply for jobs the same as it always has been, you may consider looking for other industries that you might be qualified for. If you are currently unemployed and your situation is urgent, consider job searching as your full-time priority. Stay organised and master your job-hunting so you can speed up your process.

2.It's time to strengthen and leverage your online network.

If you don't have an account on LinkedIn or other professional working platforms, maybe now is the right time to create one. At the time where everyone is practising social distancing, it is a perfect opportunity to cultivate your online network. Keep bridging the gap between you and employers. You may contact some people you know like old colleagues that can help to find an opportunity for you. Also, you can also join job-search groups or virtual networking events to expand your network. According to Undercover Recruiter, referral hires are the best source of hire, which accounts for 40% of all hires and provides better job satisfaction. Career agencies (like us EBR) are also great sources of hire, where you can find the most genuine job advertisements. So, it's time for you to expand your virtual network. 

3. Polish your resume and online profile

Take this time as a chance to revamp your resume and online profile. In order to stand out, it goes beyond your cover letter and resume; recruiters nowadays might want to see how their candidates portray their online profile as well. Therefore, define your unique personal brand in your resume and online presence to showcase your strengths and highlight your skill assets. Link some of your projects or related accomplishments that you are proud of so employers can see your talents. When applying for a job, it is important to focus on the quality of your application rather than quantity. A tip is to tailor and showcase the specific skills you have that match the job description. By this way, you can appeal as a person that recruiters are looking for.

4. Update your knowledge

Another side of the quarantine is that you can take this time to broaden your knowledge by taking online classes. Boosting your qualifications might be helpful when applying for new roles, especially in this competitive time. And when this time is over, use your updated knowledge to set yourself above others.

5. Follow up your application

It's understandable that your process might take longer time when recruiters receive more applications than usual. Therefore, don't forget to follow up with your application, kindly ask your recruiter when you should be able to hear back. Set a reminder and check back on that day. Besides, look out for the company's updates, there may be a reason why you haven't heard from them.

During this time, it's more than important to stay safe and prioritise your health. We are all in this together! Meanwhile, take care and be positive, everyone!

Job Searching during COVID 19 Outbreak? Here are the top 5 tips | JavascriptJobs

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