Job searching strategies

published: 09 Oct 2019

3 min read | website:

4. Job searching strategies 

The standard for job searching is getting higher and higher, it is important to have strategies to search for a job rather than blindly looking everywhere. Most job seekers use a variety of strategies from establishing the social media presence to targeting companies to help them stand out from the crowd.

Here are some of the strategies that every job seeker should follow to make the job searching process easier! 

Spend a lot of time on your resume 

The resume is the most important things that impact on your chance of getting hired. Most of the hiring managers would skim through your resume and decide whether they want to hire you or not or even have an interview. 

So, proofread and edit your resume carefully and look at the details for the grammar and spelling mistakes. Be straight to the point and simple. Prepare multiple resumes for different scenarios. 

Use the job search websites usefully 

With the growing popularity of job searching websites such as Indeed and Seek, many people use them to find jobs. They are really useful platforms for accessing the variety of job vacancies, but you also have to research for a particular job or company and target it. When you are searching on those websites and find the contact number to the company, contact them and talk to them. 

By talking with them, they would be able to hear you and know more about you and it would increase your chances of getting hired.


It is the most important job searching techniques. Your job searching attempts would not be complete without networking. Some people are reluctant to do networking because they think it is selling but it is more of developing the network, fostering relationships with people and these connections can lead you to more opportunities. 

Use employment agencies

The main reason for the employment agencies is that they can access the wealth of information that would not be available to you. Employment agencies not only do the job hunting for you but also, they have access to some vacancies that are advertised everywhere. The best part is that they are free for job seekers so if you utilize their expertise and be more specific about the job you are looking for, they can help you find the best match  

Email Game

Staying on top of your email games will increase the chances of getting hired. Being able to personalize the email would show the hiring manager that you have done research and could give you an advantage. By showing that you have great and open communication through email, it will get you closer to your dream job. 

With these job strategies, you will find job searching simple and stress-free.

Job searching strategies | JavascriptJobs

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