Mid Year Goal Checklist

published: 01 Jun 2012

3 min read | website: www.ebr.com.au

The year is passing by very quickly and today we find ourselves in June. Its very easy to loose momentum and keep motivated when it comes to achieving your goals, as time is going by so fast. It is important to keep track of your goals and ambitions that you set out for yourself at the beginning of the year. These are a few questions you should consider to make sure you are on track in fulfilling your goals.

  1. Are you on track with your goals?
    It is important not to lose focus when it comes to your new years resolutions.  Are you on your way to achieving this goal? Have you started working towards it? Are you doing something every day to make sure you achieve your goal? Example-If one of your goals for this year revolves around getting fit and exercising, in order to make sure you achieve this goal, be sure to set constant reminders for yourself which could be in the form of post-its, alarms, calendar reminders or even getting a friend or family member to remind you.

  2. Have you set a date you wish to complete this goal by?
    I find when it comes to achieving something, it is best to put a date you wish  to have it complete by. That way, you can work harder and plan ahead so you achieve your goal on time. This may work differently with others but if you are a person that works well with deadlines and due dates then I strongly recommend this to you.

  3. Is your goal achievable?
    There is no point setting goals for yourself that you know you wont be  able to achieve. It only ends up disappointing you and making you feel terrible. Set goals for yourself that you know you can achieve. Example-If you are aiming to save up a certain amount of money by the end of the year,  instead of aiming for something ridiculous and unfeasible like $50 000, aim for $10 000, an amount you know you can achieve if you put your mind to it.

  4. Have you taken the first step to achieving your goal?
    If your answer is no then get moving! We are officially half way through the year and have another 6 months to achieve our goals for 2012. We all have a lot going on in our lives and time passes by very quickly but we must move forward no matter what our circumstances. If your goals seem daunting and unachievable just remind yourself what you will get out of it. Stick pictures on your wall, have your goal outcome visible to you to constantly remind you what you are working towards.


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