Motivation tips for jobseekers

published: 01 Jul 2020

5 min read | website:

Job searching is hard enough, with everything that happens around the world, it becomes more challenging. But it doesn't mean impossible. Therefore, don't give up yet! Keep these tips in mind when you are feeling a bit down from your job search: 

1. Set up a clear goal 

Rather than wandering around, setting a clear goal for your career will shorten your process. Consider the following:

  • Identify your interests and goals
  • Reflect on your expertise and experience
  • What do you expect to get from a new goal
  • Work out your strengths and weaknesses

2. Get moving!

Did you know: ' exercises can trigger our body to release a hormone called serotonin that promotes the feeling of happiness and energy'. Therefore, exercising or going for a walk is a great way to elevate your mood and get back your motivation.

3. Eat well, rest well

Real food that is full of nutrition can really help your body to feel good. Try to avoid sugary, processed foods that may make you feel sluggish, tired and unmotivated. Rest and sleep enough when you feel tired.


4. Read/listen to motivational books, webinars etc.

When you are feeling down, listening to inspirational words or stories can really help to bring the fire up. You will become alert and more motivated and feel ready for your interview or job search process.

5. Change up your environment

A simple fresh flower on a table can really help to lighten the mood. Take your laptop to the coffee shop or local library to work on your job application. Do something different, shake things up a bit. This not only can boost your mood but also can stimulate your motivation to get you back on track. 

Motivation tips for jobseekers | JavascriptJobs

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