PNG Children's Hospital Charity Update

published: 15 May 2012

3 min read | website:

Hi All,

I just wanted to touch base with you all and let you know that we are now back from our PNG trip.

As planned, we visited the hospitals and met the beautiful children and their families that are receiving treatment there.

Our donation grand total was $10,214.00 - what a fantastic achievement!! So, after discussions with staff at the hospitals, we have been able to donate $5000 to each hospital and helped in purchasing urgently needed medical equipment such as ECG machines.

They were extremely appreciative of our support! I have attached a thank you letter from the hospitals and a couple of photos from our time there.

I would like to pass on my heartfelt thanks to you all for your generous donation, not only for the money, but all of the books and children's toys as well - everything makes a difference - and without you, we wouldn't have been able to make this happen!

Thank you all! Please find pictures of our trip below.

Alotau Hospital Presentation


Alotau Thankyou Letter

  Alotau Thank you Letter

Kokopo Thankyou Letter

Kokopo Thank you Letter  

Alotau Hospital

PNG Children's Hospital Charity Update | JavascriptJobs

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