published: 17 Mar 2009
3 min read | website:
Don't take your job lightly
- Showing up late for work, calling in sick, turning in poor work, and being anything less than a first-rate professional won’t get you anywhere.
- Bring your "A Game" to work; focus on what you're giving, not what you're getting.
It’s time to Save
- Save a minimum of 10% from every paycheck
- Make sacrifices wherever you can; live within your means
- Downsize your apartment, your car, and your addiction to shoes and video games
- Learn the difference between your needs and your wants.
This is your time to shine!
- Make sure you have the right attitude at work!
- Increase your visibility
- Be flexible
- Be a team player
- Market yourself
Make a Sacrifice
Giving up a bonus certainly shows dedication. But be careful of offering to take a pay cut. You risk being perceived as having less value if you're willing to accept less money. Remember you're earning what you're earning because you're worth it.
Sharpen Your Skills
- Volunteer for projects
- Help others in other departments
- Understand your companies' business more, its challenges and the different functions of your organization
Work Smarter not Harder
- Delete, delay, delegate and diminish is something to always keep in mind in the workforce
- Does it need to be done at all?
- Can it be rescheduled at a later, better time?
- Can it be delegated to another person?
- Are there shortcuts to get the job done?
Harvard Business Publishing. (2008, November 11) Recession-Proof Yourself: Four Tips For Twentysomethings Retrieved March, 16, 2009, from here
CIO (2008, January 25) Recession-Proof Yourself: How to Save Your Job When Layoffs Are the Order of the Day. Retrieved March, 16, 2009, from here

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