Reduce your carbon footprint! Get green!

published: 05 Mar 2010

3 min read | website:

"Old habits die-hard". We all say that we want to reduce our carbon footprint and help the environment but when it comes down to it, do any of us actually get practical and change our ways?

This year is your chance to get practical and do something to help the environment.

  • Free Home Assessment: Under the Green Loans program, you can get a free home assessment to assess your energy and water efficiency. An inspector will look at your major uses of energy and water and provide suggestions on how you can improve.
  • Energy efficient appliances: The next time you want to buy that new dishwasher, washing machine or other electrical appliances you should check whether it is energy and water efficient. How can you do this? Use the EnergyRating website to compare and rate appliances!
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle: Reduce by decreasing the amount of disposable items you buy. Reuse by buying products that have packaging you can use for future storage. And don't forget to recycle whatever material you can!
  • Travel Smarter: Whether by swapping to a fuel-efficient car, riding a bicycle to work, or by travelling on public transport, you should definitely reconsider your main method of travel.
These are just some of the ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. Visit LivingGreener for more information and tips on being energy, water and travel efficient this year!

Reduce your carbon footprint! Get green! | JavascriptJobs

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