Resume: It's All About Selling You

published: 03 Jun 2019

3 min read | website:

Your resume is YOUR sales document whose purpose is to help get you the interviews you want. It is one small piece of your job campaign - but it is an important one to get right

It must present the most important information for this particular job, and present it quickly and clearly - or it may be tossed straight onto the ‘No' pile

If you are sending your resume out, it must be addressed to someone, and to be targeted to this person's interest. Don't just send it up to ‘whom it may concern' or ‘dear sir/madam'. This may have worked 20 or 30 years ago, before the Internet, when there were less resumes flying around. Now headhunters and employers are inundated with hundreds of resumes and other information. If it is not personalised, it is much easier to ignore or toss on the reject pile

Resume: It's All About Selling You | JavascriptJobs

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