Resume tips when applying for internships How to polish your resume

published: 07 Sep 2020

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Resume tips when applying for internships: How to polish your resume

When applying for an internship, your resume is a gateway to success. Catching the recruiter's eye at first glance is crucial for you to proceed to the next stage of the application. Team EBR has compiled a list of tips that you can use to take your resume to the next level.

1. Include metrics: Write down numbers to impress you recruiters. Whether it be the number of participants you successfully got to attend an event you planned, or the profit you've made off a project - show off your success. Being specific about numbers is evidence of your performance in each of the job roles!

2. Include specific projects: When it comes down to more technical applications, it is important that you include the names of specific projects you've done, what you've achieved through them and how that is important to the role you are applying for. For example, writing down a specific Hackathon you've won, describing your product or project that you've continued to hone and how it works.

3. Relate your resume to the internship you are applying to: Recruiters look for skills that are applicable to the role you are applying for. Put down the most relevant skills you've acquired from each work experience, what you've done and learned in those jobs that make you suitable for this role. For instance, if you're applying for data analytics you could include experience such as the analysis of figures and interpreting numbers to write up reports under your job as a secretary, even if they are not central to the job experience that you've listed.

4. Mention instances of collaboration: Collaboration is one of the main skills that recruiters will look for. Working with important figures or diverse groups of people can show that you are a team player and get along with people from any level or background. Thus, list their positions or how they are diverse from as a way to prove that. For example, you could put down that you worked with students from different faculties to do a project.

5. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes: While this seems obvious, it is crucial for you to have a grammatically correct resume in order to give the impression that you are serious, detail-oriented and can deliver high quality work. Make sure to list all your job experiences from most to least recent, keep your format clean and consistent, and keep your points concise. Remember to use high modality language that is confident and assertive.

These are just some of the least discussed aspects that you should put into your resume. Remember that your resume is the first step into any job application - make sure you put time and effort into it. Getting an industry professional or alumni that work in that role to look at it and edit it can be tremendously helpful as well. Team EBR wishes you the best of luck in your endeavour to find an internship.

Resume tips when applying for internships How to polish your resume | JavascriptJobs

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