Set your goals for 2010

published: 05 Jan 2010

3 min read | website:

Wanting to make the best of 2010? Do you find it hard to meet your New Year's resolutions? Here are EBR's top tips for effective goal setting in 2010. Addressing these questions will be the first step to achieving your goals this year!

What do you want to achieve in 2010?

Whether it is in the area of health or wealth, writing down these goals will make it easier for you to achieve them. Having a realistic list, which you can consult throughout the year, can often encourage you to tick items off when they have been achieved or completed. Determine the steps it will take to get there. Breaking it down into smaller steps will make the task less difficult.

Was this goal something you attempted to achieve in the past?

Were you previously unsuccessful? For example, is this a goal you have been trying to achieve for a significant period of time? If the answer is yes, think about what has prevented you from achieving this goal. Were you not motivated or did you not have the appropriate resources or information on how you could achieve it? Identify weaknesses in your plans and what patterns arose in the past so you can overcome these barriers one by one.

Will you need help or other resources to achieve your goals?

You don't necessarily have to achieve your goals alone. While for some this may provide a greater sense of achievement and responsibility, if the task is difficult having helping hand can help you keep your cool and not lose sight of the goal.

Most importantly, believe in your ability to achieve your goals and celebrate your successes!

[Source: Universal Events]

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