The Dos & Don'ts of CV Writing-Part 1

published: 19 Sep 2012

3 min read | website:

Your CV is the first thing that employers see. It is of upmost importance that your CV is up too scratch and has all your employment information in it. As employers see hundreds of CV's daily, it is possible to be unique and add a little something extra to distinguish you from other applicants.

Below is a list of dos for writing an effective CV:


  • Make Your CV Visually Appealing
    The way your CV looks is very important. Even small factors such as font type or adding a border will make a difference. It is also a good idea to have a look at an example of a well written CV and use that as an example.

  • Include Important Contact Information
    There is nothing worse than missing out an interview because you forgot to put your mobile number or email onto your CV. Ensure you have included all important contact information in your CV which includes your full name, number, home address and email address.

  • Include a Hobbies & Interests Section
    These are optional sections of a CV but it is always a good idea to include something personal. Hobbies & interests paint a picture of a type of person you are and may work in your favour depending on the position you are applying for. Just be sure to keep it short and simple and don't go into too much detail.

  • Keep It Short & Simple
    The overall length of your resume should be 2-3 pages long. Be sure to summarise everything as much as you can and do not go into too much detail. Keep in mind that having a long CV does not work in your favour and can act as a disadvantage.

  • Write your Experience in Reverse Chronological Order
    Write your CV in reverse chronological order which means having the most recent job listed first. This just makes it easier for the employer to read. Also be sure to include your previous employers name, your position title and the dates from which you worked at that company.


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The Dos & Don'ts of CV Writing-Part 1 | JavascriptJobs

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