The Dos & Don'ts of CV Writing-Part 2

published: 16 Oct 2012

3 min read | website:

This article is a continuation of the previous months newsletter article 'The Dos & Don'ts of CV Writing-Part 1'. In this article I will the discuss the don'ts of CV writing which includes what not to do and what to avoid in order to ensure you have written an effective CV.

Below is a list of don'ts for writing an effective CV:


  • Don't Include Unnecessary Information
    Details such as Age, Ethnic identity; Political affiliation; Religious preference; Marital status or Sexual orientation are not necessary to include in your CV and will take up space, in turn making your CV too long.

  • Don't Use Personal References
    Try to avoid using personal references as they are not much help to an employer. Any reference you list on your CV should be a professional one unless the employer has specifically asked you for a personal reference.

  • Don't Include Reasons For Leaving Your Previous Jobs
    Your salary history or reasons for leaving previous jobs should never be included in a resume. Also, don't mention sexual harassment issues, lawsuits, workers' compensation claims, or say, 'they fired me for no good reason.'

  • Don't Go Overboard With Your Formatting
    It is not necessary to add borders and colours to your CV as it makes it harder for the recipient to read. Keep it simple with black font, focusing on the main points. It is a good idea to use bold and underlined font, highlighting the main points in your CV.

The Dos & Don'ts of CV Writing-Part 2 | JavascriptJobs

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