The FISH Philosophy

published: 21 Sep 2012

3 min read | website:

Keeping staff happy is one of the most important aspects to running a business. The FISH philosophy is a great guideline to follow when it comes to staff happiness, and we at EBR follow this philosophy. Having happy staff is vital to achieving success, and this can be done in a number of ways. Here are 4 ways in which this can be achieved based on the Fish Philosophy:
It is important to keep the mood around the office vibrant and alive, instead of boring and tiresome. Various activities can be done around the office from time to time, such as charity fundraising games or short team meetings devoted to learning about your work colleagues. In addition, there must also be a balance between work and play. Having a bit of 'play' around the office keeps staff motivated, engaged and energetic.
Make Their Day
Many individuals do not realise the effect that one small compliment may have on a staff member in the office. It could be as simple as saying 'please' and 'thankyou' whenever possible. 
Staff Support
Having a support system present in the office is vital. It is simply not enough to just be present in an office. For example, EBR recruiters have many responsibilities, some of which include being in constant communication with clients and candidates. This may sometimes prove to be overwhelming as the work load may be too much, and this is where staff support comes in. If there are staff in the office that are willing to help you, do not hesitate to accept. Remember that 'many hands make light work' (John Heywood).
Attitude means taking responsibility for how you respond to what life throws at you. Your attitude may impact the people around you so it is important to ask yourself; Is the attitude you have adopted right for you? Is it helping you become the person that you wish to be?
The FISH Philosophy forms part of the EBR wellbeing program, and has been a huge success. We have found that our employees are better able to engage in the business if they are able to strike a work/life balance. Adopt the FISH Philosophy today and you could make a big difference to your office atmosphere. Click here to find more information on the FISH Philosophy.

The FISH Philosophy | JavascriptJobs

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