The IT skills that will give you that competitive edge

published: 14 Nov 2019

3 min read | website:

The IT industry is a constantly changing industry sector. Thus, this industry is always in demand for employees and candidates that are creative and agile that have the skills to be able to build technical solutions that metamorphose traditional products into revolutionary technologies. 

So what kind of skills are the experts looking for when they are hiring potential employees? 


Python is a general purpose, high-level programming language that can be used across various roles. A mastery over this tool is quite sought after, as it can be used in many ways, such as web development and machine learning.

In particular, a Python course paired with a course on machine learning - a field of computer science that gives computers the capability to learn without explicit programming, will give you a competitive edge when it comes to job searching.


JavaScript is another type of programming that is essential in many kinds of web development. It allows users to have a unique and dynamic experience with the application and is applicable with all browsers.

Moreover, it is helpful to get a Stack Overflow profile with examples of your code as employers will inquire about this, or be highly impressed with it.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is a mainstream skill that is essential for developers and software engineers as cloud computing services is the foundation of most businesses and AWS is the cloud computing platform choice for most businesses.

Cloud computing has three main types: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Jobseekers that are looking for an AWS job that possess the aforementioned skills should add those acronyms to their resume. 


TensorFlow is a machine learning framework that has been widely utilised for machine learning development. In other words, TensorFlow is an open-source deep learning library for coding neural networks and allow developers to optimise basic neural networks.

Due to the AI/machine learning revolution worldwide, the demand for TensorFlow is likely to increase.

Soft skills

However, skills that are not on the technical front are highly regarded as well. Collaboration, communication, creativity and a keen sense of understanding of their work is vital for jobseekers. Furthermore, candidates with entrepreneurship, proactivity and coachability characteristics are desired.

The IT skills that will give you that competitive edge | JavascriptJobs

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