Tips on what to include in your resume

published: 10 Jun 2019

3 min read | website:

There is no right or wrong format or layout to your resume- but it must look professional and easy to read. Here are some of our tips on what you can include, and how you can layout the content to your resume

Contact details: Put your contact numbers and your email address on the first page of your resume.

Employer description: If your current or previous employer is not a household name, briefly describe their size, market sector and turnover. Even if they are well known, it helps to provide an idea of the structure of the department/division you worked in, as this informs the reader and gives them a term of reference

Reverse chronological: Display your most recent job first and then work backwards giving less space to each job as you go. What you did five or ten years ago is less relevant. Putting the title of the person you reported to in each position can provide a useful perspective

Responsibilities: Bullet points are ideal for listing responsibilities, and they must be ranked in order of importance - which means the importance for the employer you are applying to. And please, if you have more than 5 or 6 bullets, delete some by using an A, B, C ranking system - and then dropping off the Cs. 10 or 12 bullets won't get a read - and if they are, are quickly forgotten. Note: you would also use different bullet points, and in a different rank order if you are applying for 2 different types of roles

Tips on what to include in your resume | JavascriptJobs

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