Tips to keep networking during quarantine

published: 20 May 2020

5 min read | website:

There is no doubt that networking has a great effect on fostering relationships, and turns them into opportunities. Even you are a job seeker or a remote working staff, building and maintaining your professional network is very important. Here are our top tips:

  • Be proactive 

Don't let Covid-19 stop you from growing your connections. Be proactive and make efforts to find new ways to grow and maintain your networking. Thanks to the power of digital technology, there are many possible ways to stay connected when in self-quarantine. It can be through social media, emails, webinars or any technology you may use. Don't be afraid to connect new people or even your old colleagues. 

  • Update your LinkedIn profile 

If you haven't updated your LinkedIn profile for a while, it's time to do it. Since there is a limitation on natural face-to-face interaction, your digital profile is the only place you can present your best professional self. Therefore, before reaching out to other connections, make sure you polish your online profile. Check out our latest post to make the best out of your profile.

  • Think long-term

What you do today has a major impact on tomorrow; every step you take to create another opportunity down the road. Maybe one of your old colleagues can introduce you to his friend, who works in your dream company that is currently hiring. But you will miss the opportunity if you don't connect to him. Even if your job search is not urgent or you know remote working is only a short-term phrase, building solid networking can only serve you well in the future. 

  • Participate in virtual event and forums

Join those that are aligned with your interest and career goal. It's the simplest way to expand your network circle; you may find some pop-up job openings or available helpful resources. 

  • Introduce yourself

When you want to approach anyone, don't forget to let them know who you are. It may help to get a response to your request. Send a friendly introduction and a genuine reason to justify your interaction. Keep your message short and professional to avoid looking like you're being a nuisance. 

Tips to keep networking during quarantine | JavascriptJobs

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