Tips To Maximise Your Focus Level At Work

published: 17 Oct 2012

3 min read | website:

Work for many of us consists of sitting down for hours on end, working on computers in an office or home environment. Sometimes we may feel stressed or overwhelmed with our work load which is why it is a good idea to implement ways in which to focus.

Below are a few tips to improve your level of focus behind your desk:

  • Keep your desk clear
    By keeping your desk clear it removes clutter and distraction. Your desk should only contain necessary things that you may need in order to work. Store unused items on your desk as it will open up space on your desk and will allow you to work more efficiently.

  • Have a daily to do list
    Sometimes we may have so much work to do that we often don't know where to begin. Having a to-do list is the best solution to this problem. Every morning spend 5-10 minutes compiling a to-do list of your top 5 or 10 tasks for the day, listed by the level of urgency. This will allow you to keep tabs on your tasks for the day and will motivate you to work harder to complete your tasks.

  • Indulge in Healthy Snacks
    There is no doubt that during the day we may have a case of the munchies. It is always good to keep healthy snacks in your cabinet which can include nuts, fruits, vegetables, protein bars and water. It is best to avoid sugary snacks as not only is it bad for your health, but will give you a temporary burst of energy that may leave you feeling drained and tired.

  • Have a Comfortable Work Station
    It is essential that you have an ergonomically friendly chair that supports your neck and back. Sitting for hours on end can seriously affect your muscles and may leave you with aches and pains, however if you have a proper chair there is a lower risk of this happening.

Tips To Maximise Your Focus Level At Work | JavascriptJobs

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