Top 5 Tips On How To Manage Work & Family Life

published: 18 Jun 2012

3 min read | website:

These days it is getting increasingly hard to balance both a work & family life. Finding a balance between the two is an important issue that can relate to a variety of people. There is a lot of stress involved with balancing both work & family life due to limited time available & endless tasks that need to get done, but there are ways to combat this issue. Below are 5 tips that will help with achieving work/family balance:

  1. Have A Support Network
    Having a support network is vital for working individuals with families. Never be afraid to ask for help from either friends or family as they are there for  support if need be. Also be sure to have an emergency plan in place for situations that may come up.
  2. Set Realistic Goals & Expectations
    As our time is limited throughout the day, it is important to set goals for ourselves to ensure we are working towards achieving something. Many of us have high expectations of ourselves as we have many people relying on us which may include our spouses, children or our boss. Keeping this in mind it is important to understand that we cannot be 'perfect' & cannot impress everyone, therefore setting goals and expectations that are realistic can help  significantly.

  3. Manage Your Time Effectively
    In order to manage your time effectively you must prioritise. This may be difficult as times due to endless events that take place in our day to day lives which include managing a household, participating in family activities, catching up with friends etc. An effective way to evaluate if you are using your time effectively is to compile a to do list at the beginning of the day & to tick tasks off as you complete them. Once you have reached the end of the day, if there are still things on your list that need to get done, ask yourself what tasks you can sacrifice or delegate in order to free up that extra time that you need.
  4. Let Go Of Your Guilt
    Managing work & life balance is an issue that has been around for quite some time now. There is no quick fix & it takes a lot of effort to implement. By feeling guilty of our efforts in achieving this balance we waste our energy and  it can be very debilitating. There are a lot of individuals on the same boat as us in terms of finding this balance so there is no reason why you should feel  guilty at all.

  5. Take Care Of Yourself
    Even though you may have a lot of people to take care of in terms of your family or work staff, always make sure that you put yourself first. Find ways to relax, de-stress and relieve tension. By taking a bit of time to yourself, it will not only benefit you, but your family & work as well.

Top 5 Tips On How To Manage Work & Family Life | JavascriptJobs

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