Use Actions Words In Your Resume

published: 17 Jun 2019

3 min read | website:

EBR's Career Coaching can help you create a cover letter and resume that gets you in the top 1%, and will have potential employers want to meet you! Head over to our website now for more information about our Career Coaching service

Increasingly, organisations want people who can implement positive change. Use action words in your resume when describing your responsibilities and achievements, as these type of words are better than passive descriptive words. Always state what it is you can do for the organisation, not what they can do for you. Here are some action words that you can use to improve your resume:

  • Completed
  • Managed
  • Changed
  • Implemented
  • Developed
  • Achieved
  • Analysed
  • Integrated
  • Evaluated
  • Assessed

Use Actions Words In Your Resume | JavascriptJobs

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